Humans Rescue - Pete young astronaut who passed special training and is now traveling through space exploring different planets. As the flying...
Duck Shooter - The game is simple, you’re a duck shooter, and you should shoot those moving duck targets as many as possible, except...
Little Idle Monsters - In this idle game you will incarnate a Dark Lord of fear, trying to take over these lands, by controlling every single monster...
Click Bubbles - Click Bubbles is a simple and fun click puzzle game. Click 2 or more bubbles to match them. The more bubbles you match in...
The Operators 3 - Which is the true number? A simple arithmetic game. Game is applied to the law of addition, subtraction, multiplication and...
Special Elite Forces Online - – Awesome tactical movement system- Multiplayer up to 12 online players- Highly detailed locations: Arabian Streets,...
Hero Mission - Make the hero reach the treasureMouse click or tap to play
BTC Imperium is a simple yet addictive Clicker game. Start from scratch and build a real cryptocurrency empire. The game is being actively developed so new content will be added frequently *LMB* = Earn